首页 > 武侠小说 > 综漫之邪魅少女的美男后宫 > ◇◆◇◆◇第十四章:走火入魔【收藏加更】◇◆◇◆◇





“i always needed time on my own

i never thought i'd need you there when i cry

and the days feel like years when i'm alone

and the bed where you lie is made up on your side

when you walk away

i count the steps that you take

do you see how ht now?

when you're gone

the pieces of my heart are missing you

when you're gone

the face i came to know is missing too

when you're gone

the words i need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok

i miss you





新书推荐: 乘龙仙婿 山海提灯 武侠:丫鬟黄蓉,七侠镇杀 红月降临:重演洪荒 梦幻仙侠传 玄幻:保护我方圣主 万劫升龙 帅哥靓妹闹红尘 都市狂龙:我有七个无敌小师妹 穿越北宋,回现代遭遇打人事件