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第九十一章 今生伊始7(2/2)







三天后,6月4日,是江枫22岁的生日,柳诗然在一本书上看到一篇英文文章《Love is……》,通过email发送给江枫。

when you feel something more than friendship but can not quite describe it.

when you begin to see someone in a very positive light.

Suddenly being nervous, shy and unable to think of anything to say whenever you are near a certain someone.

wanting to be close to someone, both emotionally and physically.

wanting to look your very best when you know you will be seeing him or her.

caring for this other person in ways you have not cared before.

wanting nothing more than to see that person smile.

Growing faint when that person smiles at you.

Not caring if your friends don’t think be\/she is the cutest guy\/girl in the world because you do.

being willing to stick around and work things out when difficulties start arising.

Rushing home to call or be called by him or her.

Listening to the words to songs that you never bothered listening to before.

wanting to read poetry in hopes it will express what it is that you are feeling.

thinking that everything he\/she does is so incredible.

You’ve never met anyone so interesting, so funny or so cute!









新书推荐: 陛下,三皇子造反了 才下刑场,便上战场 大唐:我上朝穿龙袍,李二人麻了 穿越古代当反派,只想躺平 大宋第一纨绔-吃货大联盟 大秦:公子长青的逆天之路 大晋第一才子 不会点兵,但我依然是大汉战神 团宠小奶包我是全皇朝最横的崽 亮剑:团长你给我留点